Insurance 101: The Impact Inflation has on Your Insurance Premiums

Posted By: Amy Casey on

Insurance carriers must be prudent to the current state of inflation when determining and filing their base insurance rates.

5 Benefits of Having a Home Generator

Posted By: Shamara Glover on

Home generators are a very

Insurance 101: Protecting Property Located in Self Storage

Posted By: Amy Casey on
Most storage units require you to carry insurance for the protection of your property, with rare exceptions.  

4 Signs of Chimney Fires & How to Prevent Them

Posted By: Amy Casey on

Chimney fires can quickly go from bad to worse, so knowing the signs of a chimney fire in progress is crucial for homeowners who utilize wood burning stoves and fireplaces.

5 Home Renovations that Can Impact Your Home Insurance

Posted By: Amy Casey on

One of the major benefits of being a homeowner is being able to customize your home to your liking. Home reno projects make all the difference in transforming your home into a forever home that better suits your family’s needs.

4 Roof Options to Consider for Your Home

Posted By: Shamara Glover on

When preparing to reroof your home, it is beneficial to first understand the different options available to you. For most, reroofing a home is an extensive project that will have an impact on your home for many years to come.

3 Ways to Safeguard Your Home from Lightning Strikes

Posted By: Amy Casey on

The average cost of a lightning strike claim in 2023 was $17,513! Any and every precaution is worth it when it comes to protecting your home from severe damages.

5 To-Dos if You Believe Your Home Was Struck by Lightning

Posted By: Amy Casey on

While lightning striking a home is uncommon – it isn’t unheard of. According to the Insurance Information Institute, nearly 72,000 lightning strike claims were filed in 2020.

Manufactured Home Storm Safety Guide

Posted By: Shamara Glover on

Manufactured homes have become a more popular living option over time instead of buying a standard home or renting.

3 Things New Homeowners Forget to Do After Moving In

Posted By: Amy Casey on

Whether you’re on your first home or your fifth – it’s always exciting making a house a home! You’re probably busy painting, ordering new furniture and organizing your possessions, as you should be!