3 Ways to Safeguard Your Home from Lightning Strikes

Posted By: Amy Casey on

The average cost of a lightning strike claim in 2023 was $17,513! Any and every precaution is worth it when it comes to protecting your home from severe damages.

5 To-Dos if You Believe Your Home Was Struck by Lightning

Posted By: Amy Casey on

While lightning striking a home is uncommon – it isn’t unheard of. According to the Insurance Information Institute, nearly 72,000 lightning strike claims were filed in 2020.

Manufactured Home Storm Safety Guide

Posted By: Shamara Glover on

Manufactured homes have become a more popular living option over time instead of buying a standard home or renting.

4 Types of Surge Protectors to Consider in Your Business

Posted By: Shamara Glover on

Hail Guards: Protecting Roof-Mounted HVAC Equipment

Posted By: Amy Casey on

Hailstorms can wreak havoc on your roof-mounted heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Severe damage can result in loss of heating and cooling, water damage and loss of use of the facility.

Severe Thunderstorms: Preparing for 5 Major Threats

Posted By: Amy Casey on

Do you get just as nervous for a severe thunderstorm warning as you do a tornado warning? Everyone knows how seriously a tornado warning should be taken, but make no mistake, a severe thunderstorm warning should be taken just as seriously.