10 Curbside Pickup Tips for Your Business

Curbside Pickup, Employee, Sign, Outdoors, Business

10 Curbside Pickup Tips for Your Business

Curbside Pickup has become the new normal for many individuals due to the pandemic. It has made grocery shopping, or even shopping for minor necessities a breeze for consumers who are looking to just park and receive their items.

Curbside pickup is a must have for some customers, so if you haven’t implemented it in your business check out these tips below to get started:

1. Establish a Designated Pick-Up Area:

You will need to establish a designated pick-up area. It will need to be a bright, well-lit area with visible signage that distinguishes it from the rest of the parking lot, so that customers know where to go. You will want to have it fairly close to the entrance or side of the building so that employees can get the orders out quickly.

  • Consider using numbered spots so that when the customers arrived, they alert the app with the parking space number they are in.
  • Make sure that the App or employee asks for verification such as last name or order number before unloading any items
  • Have a telephone number listed on the sign as well so if there are any issues someone can be reached.

2. Use Technology:

Technology isn’t a must have  for curbside pickup, but it does make a big difference. You can use technology for a range of things with curbside pickup such as:

  • Creating a smooth online checkout process that can make curbside pickup option quick with a push of a button
  • Allow customers to notify you when they on their way or when they arrive through either a text message, email, or app.
  • Ensure your POS point of sale system interfaces with your app and website to display accurate inventory.

3. Have Clear Directions:

Make your directions easy and simple. Have clear instructions on your website, app, and/or inside of your business. If possible, have signage that is easy to locate when a customer pulls into your parking lot, such as speed limit signs of 5mph and a curbside pickup sign that distinguishes it from the rest of the areas.

4. Limit In-Person Contact:

Limiting the in-person contact between employees and customers is key to making not only the customers feel comfortable but ensuring that everyone stays healthy and safe. Train employees on proper distancing and have a procedure in place, such as having guests pop their trunk from the inside so they don’t have to get out of their vehicles.

5. Improve Walkway Safety:

Since your employees will be doing a lot of back and forth to deliver orders, it is key to make sure that the walkways they use are clear and free of any slip hazards. If it snows or rains, be sure to have mats that they can dry their feet off with and wet floor signs visible to avoid any accidents. Along with that, be sure to salt the appropriate walkways in the winter.

6. Use Sanitation Practices:

To keep employees safe limit the use of contact between employees and customers. Have sanitation stations throughout and encourage your employees to wipe things down often. If possible, have trash cans readily available to dispose of the wipes used.

7. Provide Protective Clothing:

To protect and distinguish your employees, provide them the appropriate clothing. Ensuring that they have a mask is key, but also having a bright, visible vest or jacket can help customers recognize them easily in a busy parking lot.

Provide or require that they wear non-slip shoes to prevent any slips and falls. In the winter, have weather coats and gloves ready for any possible harsh weather conditions

8. Train Employees:

Take the time to train your employees on the safety and proper procedure of curbside pickup. It is a relatively new approach to how people shop, so it is a good idea to educate your employees on how to avoid workplace injuries and provide the best customer experience. If you are able to have a few employees work curbside, it can help lighten the load when lifting heavy items.

9. Emphasize Customer Service:

Although these customers aren’t physically going into your business, their customer service experience shouldn’t be any less. Emphasize to your employees to make the most out of their interactions with customers so they leave a lasting impression. You can implement this by adding a personal note or coupon with each order, ensuring that they receive their order quickly, and being accurate with what they are receiving. Consider an automatic email set up to thank them for their business after they have left.

10. Review Insurance Protection:

While expanding the services you provide can be exciting, it is also important to consult with your insurance agent. Your agent can verify that you have adequate coverage in your business insurance policy for your new curbside pickup services. 

Curbside pickup gives consumers the option to shop safely while maintaining their overall experience.  


There are many types of business insurance available. Talk to your Rockford Mutual Insurance Agent about what other options would make sense for the needs of your business.

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Shamara Glover
Marketing Assistant
Shamara joined Rockford Mutual in November of 2019 with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Robert Morris University in Chicago.